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League of Legends Script Nyrex Config

League of Legends Scripts Config

If you don’t know how to configure, here I share the recommended rage config settings with pictures. You can set it from the settings menu that comes up after formatting your USB before opening League of Legends.

Click Reset Evade Config

reset lol script evade config

When you press this button you will reset the old corrupt evade settings. It is best to reset before making any adjustments!

Humanizer Settings

lol script humanizer settings

As seen in the picture, the value “150” is a rage value. If you want it to be more rage, you can increase it even more. But remember, the more rage you make, the more game freezes you will see!

Fast Modement Block

lol config fast movement block

If you want the fastest and most perfect evasion, you need to set these settings to “0” and turn off the “Fast Movement Block” setting. If you increase these settings, evasion will be more legit, but your nyrex league of legends scripts will not be able to escape some fast spells.

Extra Buffers

I have shared the best extra buffers settings that have been tried for years with you in the picture above. The settings in this section are very long and complicated so I will not explain it.

Orbwalker Settings

  • extraWindup(ms): 20 (my ping 20)
  • LastHitTimer(ms): 30
  • Attack before canAttack(ms): 50
  • Farm delay(ms): 33

The best settings that make it easier for you to farm with Nyrex Lol script and prevent you from missing the farm are as seen above. These are the best in-game farm settings I use, I have been using them for years and can farm like E-sports players with these settings.

Delay Setting (0:good)

nyrex league of legends script delay settings
  • Delay AA: 0
  • Delay Moving: 0
  • Delay Cast Q: 0
  • Delay Cast W: 0
  • Delay Cast E: 0
  • Delay Cast R: 0

Delay settings communicate with orbwalker. If you increase delay AA, your hits will slow down. Delay moving is the delay setting that sets when to react when you use command keys like space, 0 is ideal. Delay cast settings are the settings that affect the late or early calculation for prediction. If you use 0, you will quickly defeat your enemy when you see him.

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